To provide the needs of the system of home-charging to get to know the related plan of action about the electric vehicle and the charging procedure, the consultant can help you quickly explain the EV charging. Users can discover the KH electric charging stations at a distance of 15 minutes, this is suitable for them because replacement in all vehicles with EVs can protect against greenhouse issues and improve the environment.

The EHSS hong kong is contemplate the management to recognize the demands for the system of use in home-charging. In response to the consultation, they provide an app to select the services and what company wants to deliberate for the free consultations. The Cornerstone will lead the seminar and introduce the state technical and speculation to the trouble encountered in the system. They have provided indoor/ outdoor parks, commercial operators, and government and public areas.

Benefits of the consultancy services scheme to the recipient.

These are the schemes for you to know who can capability on EV charger grant.

What is the benefits consultancy service scheme to the consumer?

  • You can learn what is eligible for EV charging.
  • The application of car park management.
  • The application for the subsidy scheme is to refuse EV charging in the parking space.
  • If you are granted to cover fiber and other things in the outdoor car park.
  • Application and any submitting process.

ev charger grant

The 13 benefits of the subsidy scheme.

The government in honkong, deployment about HK$ 2 billion for the EHSS subsidy using the EV charging. The 13 good bases why you join them:

  • Consultation is free.
  • They construct a load management system
  • Increase the subsidy amount to HK$30,000.
  • Large range standard for consultation, meeting plan, and installing the EV charger.
  • Maximize the charge fast through the load management system.
  • IEC Quality standard.
  • One-stop assist the charging system, routine, and more.
  • EV charging quick fix.
  • More than 1300 charging stations in hong kong
  • Insurance and
  • Professional electrician.

 The four factors to consider in installation of EV charge.

  • Safety is the high priority in installing EV chargeable. Only the expert will install the process and the specialized person in EV charging installer.
  • Compliance to ensure your charger is 100% certified. The certificate guarantee can be installed, to assure reliability and safety.
  • Price to know the installation amount. It should be understandable for the compliance of safety and amount for the electrician.
  • Services and specialization only technician training will install.